Explain Arbor Day
What’s Arbor Day?
It’s an annual celebration of trees and forests, usually marked with tree plantings and educational events highlighting the benefits of trees.
I thought Arbor Day was in April?
Kinda! National Arbor Day is the last Friday in April. But, it doesn’t really matter when a city or state celebrates their own Arbor Day. The City of Richmond celebrates our Arbor Day in the Fall, since it’s a better time to plant trees. Our 2023 celebration will mark our 31st year!
How is ArborDayRVA different?
This year, ArborDayRVA will be a week long celebration, focusing on bringing the community together by encouraging citizens to check out events happening throughout the city! Our hope is to spread awareness of all the fantastic organizations, community groups, and City departments, whose mission is to increase and maintain our green spaces, as well as inspire the next generation of urban and community forestry advocates.
How do I get involved?
How can I participate?
Are you looking to learn? Or excited to help plant new trees in the community? Or maybe you’re just looking to snag a free tree for yourself? You can find all sorts of ways to participate this year, just check out our Schedule of Events for dates, times, and locations of what’s happening around town. We will also be posting updates and event highlights leading up to the week of, so be sure to follow us on social media. Schedule goes live on Oct. 1st, 2023.
How can I volunteer?
There are a variety of volunteer opportunities, throughout the week long celebration! See our Schedule of Events for more details on how to sign up to help. Want to offer more specialized/specific help? Drop us an email!
How can I partner?
Does your group or organization want to host an Arbor Day event? Want trees for your community or neighborhood?
Fill out our Partner Form or send us an email us at info@reforestrichmond.org
Thank you to all of the wonderful partners who have joined us in past years!
City of Richmond - Urban Forestry Division
City of Richmond - Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities
City of Richmond - James River Park System