Community Tree Resources
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)
Find out why it’s important to know about the issues surrounding Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), as well as learn what local programs and initiatives are doing to help save our trees.
Curious about a tree on public property? Thinking about coordinating in your own neighborhood planting? Want to get outside and see some big trees? We’ve compiled some local community tree resources. If you’d like us to add another resource, please reach out to info@reforestrichmond.org
Bike Walk
Treesure Hunt
The 2021 Treesure Hunt includes 9 tree spots ranging from special Richmond trees to community reforestation projects around town.
You can ride the Treesure Hunt any time, but visit on Saturday, May 22nd 2021 and there will be free Loblolly Pine & Eastern Redbud seedlings awaiting you at both ends of the route.
Whether you ride North to South or South to North is up to you. Just don't forget to wear your helmet.
Thanks to our partners Bike Walk RVA
Submit a tree for our next hunt by emailing info@reforestrichmond.org with a name or description, map coordinates, and a photo.
Neighborhood Outreach Toolkit
Coordinate your own community planting with this free downloadable Neighborhood Outreach Toolkit.
Contact info@reforestrichmond.org if you’d like assistance planning a community tree planting.
Richmond Tree Inventory
A tree inventory was conducted of all public right of way (ROW) trees and was made available for public informational purposes only. This tree inventory was done by Davey Resource Group and was completed in three phases starting in 2013 and finishing in 2015. You can use the interactive mapping application to zoom in to areas of interest, search for specific addresses, and click on icons to view individual tree information.
Richmond has a wide and diverse range of community groups and organizations, all striving to help make RVA a greener place to live! We’ve compiled a list of some that we think you should check out! Know of other groups that you think we should add? Reach out to info@reforestrichmond.org
Southside ReLeaf
A volunteer-run organization whos Mission is to improve health outcomes and the quality of life for Southside Richmond by building green spaces and advocating for people-centered policy. Their Vision is a healthy, equitable, and sustainable environment for all residents in South Richmond.
Capital Trees
Building public landscapes. Enriching the community. Capital Trees is working to create a greener, more liveable Richmond through the thoughtful planning, planting, and maintenance of public green places.
VCU Sustainability
As mindful stewards of the diverse human and natural environments we call home, VCU Sustainability strives to build a better, more sustainable future through education, innovation, collaboration and engagement. Addressing the needs of students, faculty, staff and community, their programs promote positive behavioral change, responsible campus practices, and forward-looking, university-wide policies.
Invasive Species Task Force
The mission of the JRPS Invasive Plant Task Force is to foster a thriving park ecosystem through invasive plant species management, restoration of native plant communities, public awareness and citizen involvement.
Richmond Tree Stewards
The mission of Richmond’s trained, volunteer Tree Stewards is to promote and improve the health of city trees to ensure the city’s forest will survive and thrive.
Urban Forest Dweller
Local tree care company, Truetimber Arborists, is taking on the mission of helping you get to know and appreciate the trees that makeup Richmond’s magnificent urban forest.